
五逆重罪與無間地獄 地藏菩薩的故事 (4/6)-Aputi.com佛典動畫-Five against the serious crimes and the hell

五逆重罪與無間地獄 地藏菩薩的故事 (4/6)-Aputi.com佛典動畫-Five against the serious crimes and the hell

Aputi創作於2008.08。在這個浮華的世界,很多人因為貪婪、無知、嗔恨而迷失本心,造下種種罪惡。造罪者死後,將在地獄裡承受無邊的痛苦。本片講述了無間地獄的可怕景象和五種會墮入無間地獄的罪惡行為。震撼的畫面深刻警示我們,做人應當行為端正,棄惡從善。 This film completed in August 2008 by Aputi.com.In this flamboyant world,many people because of the greed,ignorance,or anger lost their true nature and commit various sins.Those sinners,will fall into the hell to suffer incessantly. This animated film tells about the horrible scene of the hell and the evil of the five.


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