
3月28日卑詩新增92新冠病例1死 B.C. reports 1 new death, 92 new cases of COVID-19

3月28日卑詩新增92新冠病例1死 B.C. reports 1 new death, 92 new cases of COVID-19

Another person has died of the novel coronavirus in British Columbia, health officials said Saturday while announcing 92 new confirmed cases of COVID-19, the largest jump in cases in a single day.
The province has now confirmed a total of 884 cases of the novel coronavirus disease, of which 45% have recovered.
Of those cases, provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry said 81 are now in hospital, after four more cases were admitted between Friday and Saturday. She said 52 of those cases are in intensive care.
Henry confirmed Saturday there are now 12 long-term care homes experiencing outbreaks, including Lynn Valley Care Centre. Both residents and staff at those care homes have tested positive for COVID-19.

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BC新增確診92人 治愈率達45% 原因是這兩個 (溫哥華港灣)

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