
Coronavirus outbreak: Trudeau to announced Canada, U.S. to close border to non-essential travel over coronavirus(美加邊境關閉非必要旅行)

Coronavirus outbreak: Trudeau to announced Canada, U.S. to close border to non-essential travel over coronavirus (杜魯多宣布美加邊境關閉非必要旅行)

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is expected to announce the border between Canada and the U.S. will be temporarily closed to non-essential traffic during his update from outside his residence at 10:30am ET. Finance Minister Bill Morneau is expected to speak shortly after PM Trudeau to unveil the government’s plan to help workers affected by the coronavirus outbreak. The economic package, which a senior Canadian government source says is an “estimated $27 billion in direct support to Canadian workers and businesses,” will be presented by Finance Minister Bill Morneau.

Essential travel will continue / 必要旅行可繼續:

Food, fuel, medical supplies trucking / 食品、燃料、醫療物資
Essential workers in border cities / 邊境城市往來的必要工作人員

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