
卑詩新冠疫情通報4月15日增3病歿 B.C. reports 3 new deaths, including first in Interior region

Coronavirus outbreak: B.C. reports 3 new deaths, including first in Interior region | FULL

British Columbia provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry and Health Minister Adrian Dix provided an update on the COVID-19 outbreak in the province on Wednesday.

B.C. has recorded three new deaths due to COVID-19, including the first related fatality in the Interior region. Seventy-five people in the province have now died of the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, said Henry, as she confirmed 44 new cases.

About 61 per cent of B.C.’s 1,561 confirmed COVID-19 patients have fully recovered. Of the remaining cases, 131 patients are in hospital, with 59 of them in intensive care.

Henry also said the province cannot return to “normal” life until there is “herd immunity” to COVID-19. This would mean some safety measures will have to remain in place until a vaccine is developed or enough people have formed an immunity to the virus to prevent transmission and a lot of people “becoming sick in a rapid way.”

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