
微妙比丘尼的故事The Story of Bhiksuni Weimiao-Aputi.com佛典動畫

微妙比丘尼的故事-Aputi.com佛典動畫-The Story of Bhiksuni Weimiao


This film completed in May 2018 by Aputi.com. This story comes from ” Karma Scriptures about Wisdom and Foolishness ” by the third volume in the ” Weimiao Bhiksuni “.In the era of Buddha Sakyamuni, many aristocratic women after ordination were very worried that their habits, such as lust, anger and ignorance, had not been eliminated yet. So they gathered to consult Bhiksuni Weimiao who had already attained the arhatship. Weimiao Bhiksuni told everyone the pain of the desire to bring, and tells the story of her previous life experience…

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