
Coronavirus outbreak: 6th case reported in B.C., contracted by woman visiting Iran (卑詩確診新冠肺炎患者增至6人 剛自伊朗返大溫)

Coronavirus outbreak: 6th case reported in B.C., contracted by woman visiting Iran (卑詩確診新冠肺炎患者增至6人 剛自伊朗返大溫)

B.C.’s sixth case of COVID-19 was contracted by a woman who was visiting Iran, B.C.’s top doctor and health minister confirmed Thursday evening.

Dr. Bonnie Henry said the woman in her 30s visited the Middle East country in January and returned to B.C. late that same month. She was diagnosed after taking herself to hospital with flu-like symptoms, she added, but was sent home.

“We were surprised as you can imagine,” Henry said about the case, which is the first one in the province without a connection to China.

“We expect there will be an international investigation.”

Henry said the woman’s case is relatively mild and a number of her close contacts have already been put in isolation.

MORE: https://globalnews.ca/news/6577201/b-…

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相關閱讀: 卑詩確診新冠肺炎患者增至6人 剛自伊朗返大溫(星島日報)


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