
杜魯多宣佈降低企業紓困計劃門檻 Trudeau eases wage subsidy rules for businesses showing revenue loss

杜魯多宣佈降低企業紓困計劃門檻 Trudeau eases wage subsidy rules for businesses showing revenue loss

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says the federal wage-subsidy program for employers hit by COVID-19 will have looser standards than previously announced.

Rather than having to show a 30-per-cent decline in revenues, he says they can show a 15-per-cent decline in March, and can compare their revenues to previous months rather than the previous year.

Charities can also choose whether to include revenues from governments in their calculations when they apply.

He says businesses need to survive and workers need to get paid if the economy is to “come roaring back after this crisis.”

For more info, please go to https://globalnews.ca/news/6793785/tr…

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