
5月18日卑詩新冠資訊 16新例 2亡 B.C. reports 16 new cases, 2 new deaths over weekend

5月18日卑詩新冠資訊 16新例 2亡 B.C. reports 16 new cases, 2 new deaths over weekend

British Columbia’s provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry and Health Minister Adrian Dix provided an update Monday on the province’s ongoing response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Henry reported 16 new cases of the virus over the weekend with eight on Saturday and eight on Sunday, bringing the total number to 2,444. She also announced two new deaths on the weekend, bringing the total number of lives lost to 143 in the province.

British Columbians were urged to stay close to home over the Victoria Day long weekend, as the province’s top doctor asked residents on Saturday to “pause” and “think through” how to put in place their own plan for safe social interactions in the coming weeks.

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又是輝瑞!60年研發黑洞終被突破 RSV將迎來疫苗;廉價勞工?留學生或被迫離境 指控加國政府剝削《港灣播報》


注意!大批華人“回國”遭海關嚴查:排隊挨個開箱;警告!加國家庭債已超GDP 炸彈隨時要爆

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