
觀世音菩薩普門品06-鬼難-Save Victims from Ghosts – 佛典動畫

觀世音菩薩普門品06-鬼難-Aputi.com佛典動畫-Save Victims from Ghosts

Aputi創作於2010.05。當你身陷惡鬼羅刹帶來的恐懼中,卻用盡辦法也無法脫困時,請不要放棄,一定要試試這最後的救命之法。《觀世音菩薩普門品》 8集動畫短片是根據《妙法蓮華經?觀世音菩薩普門品》的內容改編製作。用8個故事分別講述了觀世音菩薩循聲救苦(救水難、火難、風難、鬼難、刀難、刑杖難、囚難)、滿願送子和化身救度的功德利益。

This film completed in May 2010 by Aputi.com. When you’re caught in the fear of the evil Rakshasa, but You have exhausted all means can not escape the dilemma, do not give up, you must try this last life-saving law.

The 8-episode animated cartoon “The Universal Door of Avalokitasvara Bodhisattva” adapted from “Wonderful Dharma Lotus Sutra – The Universal Door of Avalokitasvara Bodhisattva”. It talks about Avalokiteshvara help the needy and relieve the distressed (flood, fire, wind, ghost, sword, rod, imprison), send children to satisfy desire, become savior and convey other merits and virtues.

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