
BC 四步重啟計劃 COVID-19: BC lays out restart plan including a return to normal by September

COVID-19: BC lays out restart plan including a return to normal by September | FULL

British Columbia officials on Tuesday unveiled a four-step plan to ease pandemic restrictions, with indoor restaurant dining and small social gatherings back on right away.

But the big changes will come in a few weeks when travel restrictions are expected to be lifted in mid-June and social gatherings start getting back to normal by early July.

The restart plan will follow approximate timelines based on vaccination rates continuing to rise across the province and COVID-19 cases continuing to decline.

“British Columbians have sacrificed so much over the last 15 months to help keep people and our communities safe,” Premier John Horgan said.

“We have made tremendous strides with our vaccination program, and we are now in a position where we can move forward with a plan to slowly bring us back together. As we have done throughout this pandemic, we will be closely following the guidance of public health and supporting people and businesses as we take the next steps in putting this pandemic behind us.”

The plan has four steps based on immunization levels and keeping case numbers and hospitalizations stable.


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