
六度集經03-忍辱-Aputi.com佛典動畫-Patience – The Collective Sutra of Six Paramitas 03

Aputi 於2022年02月22日創作完成。從前有菩薩兄弟二人,各自出資,在國中購買了貨物後,一同到一個叫“裸鄉”的地方去販賣,然而等待他們的卻是……

This film completed in February 2022 by Aputi.com. Once upon a time, there were two Bodhisattva brothers. After purchasing goods at their own expense in their country, They went to a place called “nude-country” to sell. However, what awaits them is…


After the production of the film is completed in December 2021, the producer and the general director discuss and decide to change the “Character design” of the two protagonists, such as their identities, appearances, body types, and costumes. The original paintings and animations of the whole film will be reworked. Therefore, you will see the characters in the film differ from the original poster.

《六度集經》系列動畫短片 是根據《大正藏》第三冊中“六度集經”的部分內容改編製作,選取了6個典型故事分別對六波羅密進行淺層次的基礎解讀(佈施、持戒 、忍辱、 精進、禪定、智慧)。

The 6-episode animated films are adapted from “The Collective Sutra of Six Paramitas” , documented in the third volume of “The Dazhengzang” (Taishō Buddhist canon). Each of the six episode respectively explains one of the six Paramita, including Charity, Morality, Patience, Effort, Meditation and Wisdom.

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