


Aputi創作於2011.10。本片依照《佛說阿彌陀經》的內容,講述了西方極樂世界的美好景象和往生西方極樂的方法,可說是有史以來第一部詳細展示西方極樂世界的動畫影片。本片最初由已去世的影視明星陳曉旭等人士發心捐制,2005~2011歷經坎坷才得以完成上集。目前《佛說阿彌陀經》 (下集) 動畫片製作啟動,同時本片”上集”將進行高清重制。在此,對本片的出資捐助人和機構表示衷心感謝,也歡迎更多人加盟本片的捐制創作和助印影碟。 This film completed in October 2011 by Aputi.com.Sutra of buddha’s Teaching On Amitabha is the best in production specifications and quality among our animated movies. It adopted the animation technology of “3D+2D” with a total duration of about 30 minutes. The film was originally donated by several famous movie stars such as the departed Chen Xiaoxu and some other public figures,From 2005 to 2011, we overcame many difficulties and finally finished the first part of the film. Now the second part of this film has started,In the meanwhile the first part of the film will be HD remade, rendered in FULL HD movie with finer quality and more brilliant picture. Here, the film expressed sincere gratitude to the contribution of donors and agencies, and we would welcome more people to join the donor system for creating and printing discs.

視頻來源:A puti Youtube頻道

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