
3月31日卑詩新冠疫情更新:康復者超千人 B.C. reports half of COVID-19 cases recovered as total passes 1,000

3月31日卑詩新冠疫情更新:康復者超千人 B.C. reports half of COVID-19 cases recovered as total passes 1,000

B.C. provincial chief health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry confirmed on Tuesday that there were five new deaths from COVID-19, bringing the death toll to 24. 卑詩省衛生官亨利醫生(Bonnie Henry)周二宣布43例新的冠狀病毒病例,總數達到1,013例。同時,有額外5個人死於該病毒,總共已有24人不幸因此死亡。

Henry said that while 43 new cases of the virus brought the total to more than 1,000, more than 50 per cent of cases – or 507 people – had recovered.

Of the remaining 482 active cases, 128 are in hospital and 61 in intensive care.

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