
Coronavirus outbreak: NY governor on containment of COVID-19 spread (紐約州長:拖延新冠感染速度 以便醫療系統可以應對)

Coronavirus outbreak: NY governor on containment of COVID-19 spread and possible school closures (紐約州長:拖延新冠感染速度 以便醫療系統可以應對)

On Sunday, New York governor Andrew Cuomo addressed the state’s ongoing plan to contain the outbreak of coronavirus. Cuomo talked about how one of the key measures they are trying to take is to slow the spread so that the healthcare system can manage. “Test, test, test,” is how Cuomo said is the key method to slow the spread. Cuomo also addressed the possibility of closing schools across the state. But he said that is not a simple thing to do. There are many negatives to closing schools which need to weighed before taking that step. Closing schools means many essential workers like police officers, firefighters, medical staff could be stuck at home watching their children rather than working, which is something Cuomo is not ready to do.

Global News Youtube 頻道


  • 紐約州再增1死 新冠確診增逾百 住院率近20%(世界日報)
  • 紐約停止追蹤案例 警告「每人應假設已和病毒接觸」(世界日報)


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