
Coronavirus outbreak: Washington Governor bans events of over 250 people in Seattle Metro area (華盛頓州在大西雅圖地區禁250人聚會)

Coronavirus outbreak: Washington Governor bans events of over 250 people in Seattle Metro area (華盛頓州在大西雅圖地區禁250人聚會)

Washington State Governor Jay Inslee addressed the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak in his state during a press conference Wednesday afternoon. Inslee announced a ban on events of more than 250 people in three counties within the Seattle metro area in hopes of controlling the spread of the virus. The areas are home to nearly 4 million people. Multiple deaths have been linked to a Seattle-area nursing home, along with dozens of other infections among residents, staff and family members.

州長宣布在大西雅圖地區的三個郡 (King, Pierce and Snohomish Counties) 禁止250人以上聚會,以應對新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)世界大流行(pandemic)

Global News Youtube 頻道



控制新冠疫情 華府:取消不必要大型集會(世界日報)


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