
卑詩三日增817例新冠確診 BC reports 817 new cases of COVID-19 over three days, breaking record

Coronavirus: BC reports 817 new cases of COVID-19 over three days, breaking records | FULL

British Columbia’s provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry on Monday reported 817 new cases of COVID-19 over a three day period.

Henry said there were 317 new cases on Saturday, 293 on Sunday and 207 on Monday.

The new cases brought the provincial total to 13,371, she said.

Three more people have died as well, bringing B.C.’s COVID-19 death toll to 259.

Henry called the latest COVID-19 case count “a sobering weekend for us,” adding that it is “concerning to us that we continue to see growth.”

“To get through our COVID-19 storm, it requires all of us to do our part,” she said.

The province has now reported more than 200 cases per day for six consecutive days.

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