
US Capitol Lockdown: Pro-Trump rioters storm Congress, clash with police

US Capitol Lockdown: Pro-Trump rioters storm Congress, clash with police

Warning: This video contains violent content. Discretion advised.

Pro-Trump rioters stormed the Capitol buildings on Wednesday, smashing windows and clashing with police as demonstrations took place in Washington, D.C. in opposition to the certification by Congress of Joe Biden’s presidential victory.

Debates over the certification of electoral votes of Arizona were taking place in both the House of Representatives and Senate when both were called into recess amid security concerns.

People could be seen on video storming through various hallways of the Capitol buildings, including both the House and Senate chambers, which appeared empty when people were seen inside. According to reports, a woman was also shot inside the building. It is not known what led to the shooting.

Global News Youtube 頻道

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