
Grand tour of Tiangong Space Station with Shenzhou-13 astronauts 跟隨神舟十三號乘組了解在中國空間站的工作與生活

Grand tour of Tiangong Space Station with Shenzhou-13 astronauts 跟隨神舟十三號乘組了解在中國空間站的工作與生活

During the space lecture, Wang Yaping led a tour of Chinese Space Station. We got to know the interior structure of the Tianhe core module, equipment the taikonauts use to counter the adverse effects of microgravity and their research work on cell biology. Watch the video to learn how to jog on the space treadmill, what appliances are installed in the space kitchen, how to cycle in space and what a penguin suit is. You will also see interesting behaviors of cardiomyocytes observed through the microscope equipped in the space station.


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